Metastatic breast cancer resources

Perhaps no cancer is as well-funded and supported as breast cancer, which means many amazing resources are available to help every woman and man diagnosed with breast cancer, any stage, any type. This page offers just a sampling to help you get medical, financial, social, emotional and any other type of support you might need. Many hands are waiting to grab hold of yours, so please reach out, it truly helps to ease the burden.

Cancer Care organization

Cancer Care has been caring for all cancer patients since 1944, including cancer types completely unknown to me. Free, professional support services include counseling, case management, support groups, education, and financial assistance. And if you’re a pet owner struggling to care for your beloved dog or cat, check out their Pet Assistance & Wellness Program (PAW) because you need your furry friend and they need you!

Metavivor organization

METAvivor raises awareness and funds research for metastatic breast cancer with support for three groups: People living with MBC (local support groups and events); MBC researchers; and MBC advocates

Metastatic Breast Cancer Network organization

MBCN is a comprehensive resource for people with metastatic breast cancer, with information on MBC diagnosis, treatment, and clinical trials, plus difficult topics like financial assistance and end of life planning.

MBC Alliance organization

MBC Alliance is a consortium of nonprofits that share common goals around MBC awareness, education, and research. If you have stage 4 breast cancer, consider joining their MBC Connect initiative.

Inspirational quote for breast cancer patients

Other breast cancer resources and organizations

The Susan G. Komen organization is a force to be reckoned with for awareness, patient support, and raising money. Anyone diagnosed with breast cancer should start here, and they offer a hotline for talking. helps people make sense of their breast cancer diagnosis, starting with their “About You” section. “Day-to-day matters” section gives helpful tips on topics like finances and talking to loved ones.

Anyone diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 40 is considered a young survivor, including me, diagnosed at 39. YSC offers local and online networking groups and an annual conference,

Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive form in which cancer cells block lymph vessels in the skin of the breast. This site has IBC patient resources, science-backed articles, and more helpful information and tools.

Triple negative is dangerous because it has none of the “big 3” receptors (estrogen, progesterone, HER2) that give oncologists more treatment options. But there is hope and you can find it in research and at the TNBC Foundation website.

ABCD offers free, customized, 1:1 support for breast cancer patients at any stage by matching them with a trained mentor / survivor with similar circumstances. Consider becoming a mentor yourself!